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Code uses the concept of a payment intent to represent a user's intent to pay another user. This is different from a blockchain transaction. A payment intent is a higher-level abstraction that represents a user's intent to pay another user which is a way to represent a payment in a way that's more familiar to users.

If you'd like to learn more about intents in general, please refer to the Intents introduction.

Payment Intents

In this section, we'll discuss how to setup a payment request and create a payment intent that you can verify on your server.

Regardless of whether your user is on a mobile device or desktop environment, the payment flow will start with the following sequence.

  participant User
  participant Client

  User->>Client: Land on payment page
  Client->>Server: Send order information
  Server->>Code Sequencer: POST /v1/createIntent
  Code Sequencer->>Server: Return PaymentIntent status
  Server->>Client: Return PaymentIntent's client_secret
  Client->>Code Sequencer: Open message stream at rendezvous value
  participant User
  participant Client

  User->>Client: Land on payment page
  Client->>Server: Send order information
  Server->>Code Sequencer: POST /v1/createIntent
  Code Sequencer->>Server: Return PaymentIntent status
  Server->>Client: Return PaymentIntent's client_secret
  Client->>Code Sequencer: Open message stream at rendezvous value

Typically, you'll have a payment button on your website. For example, you might have a button that looks like this:

When a user clicks the button, an invoke event is triggered, allowing you to communicate with your backend; perhaps to check for inventory. On the server side, you'll create a payment intent and return the clientSecret to the browser. This value is then used to generate a rendezvous value on the button.

const { button } = code.elements.create('button', { ... });


button.on('invoke', async () => {
  // This is called when the "Pay with Code" button is clicked.

  // Send the order information to your server.
  const res = await fetch('/create-intent', { method: 'POST', ... });
  const { clientSecret } = await res.json();

  // Update the button with the new client secret generated by the server.
  button.update({ clientSecret });
const { button } = code.elements.create('button', { ... });


button.on('invoke', async () => {
  // This is called when the "Pay with Code" button is clicked.

  // Send the order information to your server.
  const res = await fetch('/create-intent', { method: 'POST', ... });
  const { clientSecret } = await res.json();

  // Update the button with the new client secret generated by the server.
  button.update({ clientSecret });
js'/create-intent', async (req, res) => {
  // Create intent (notify the code API that a payment is coming soon)

  const { clientSecret, id } = await code.paymentIntents.create({ ...  });

  // This value needs to be sent to the browser so that the browser can use it
  // to setup a payment with this intent instance.
  res.send({ clientSecret });
});'/create-intent', async (req, res) => {
  // Create intent (notify the code API that a payment is coming soon)

  const { clientSecret, id } = await code.paymentIntents.create({ ...  });

  // This value needs to be sent to the browser so that the browser can use it
  // to setup a payment with this intent instance.
  res.send({ clientSecret });

Mobile vs. Desktop Flows

Depending on whether your user is on a mobile device or a desktop, the payment flow will be slightly different. On the mobile flow, the app can be opened directly from the browser. On the desktop flow, the user will need to scan a code using the Code app.

Desktop Flow

On desktop, the user will be presented with a scannable code. They can use the Code app to scan this code and complete the payment. Once the payment is complete, a success event will be triggered on the button. You can also wire up a redirect URL to redirect the user to a success page. See Browser Events to learn more.

    participant User
    participant Client

    User->>Code App: Open app
    Code App->>+Client: Scan code
    Client->>-Code App: Return rendezvous value
    Code App->>+Code Sequencer: Get payment details
    Code Sequencer->>Code App: Return PaymentIntent
    Code App->>Code Sequencer: Signed PaymentIntent
    Code Sequencer->>Code Sequencer: Verify and Schedule Transactions
    Code Sequencer->>-Code App: Return confirmation
    Code Sequencer->>Client: Return confirmation (and close stream)
    Client->>Client: "success" event triggered
    participant User
    participant Client

    User->>Code App: Open app
    Code App->>+Client: Scan code
    Client->>-Code App: Return rendezvous value
    Code App->>+Code Sequencer: Get payment details
    Code Sequencer->>Code App: Return PaymentIntent
    Code App->>Code Sequencer: Signed PaymentIntent
    Code Sequencer->>Code Sequencer: Verify and Schedule Transactions
    Code Sequencer->>-Code App: Return confirmation
    Code Sequencer->>Client: Return confirmation (and close stream)
    Client->>Client: "success" event triggered

Mobile Flow

On mobile, the user will be prompted to open the Code app to complete the payment. Once inside the Code app, the user will be prompted to confirm the payment. Once confirmed, the payment will be sent to the Code Sequencer. If successful, the Code app will then redirect the user to a new tab in their default browser. The success event will be triggered on the button in the original tab. You can also wire up a redirect URL to redirect the user to a success page.

    participant User
    participant Client

    User->>Client: Click "Pay with Code"
    Client->>Code App: Open app with rendezvous value
    Code App->>+Code Sequencer: Get payment details
    Code Sequencer->>Code App: Return PaymentIntent
    Code App->>Code Sequencer: Signed PaymentIntent
    Code Sequencer->>Code Sequencer: Verify and Schedule Transactions
    Code Sequencer->>-Code App: Return confirmation
    Code App->>Client: Open new browser tab with success URL
    participant User
    participant Client

    User->>Client: Click "Pay with Code"
    Client->>Code App: Open app with rendezvous value
    Code App->>+Code Sequencer: Get payment details
    Code Sequencer->>Code App: Return PaymentIntent
    Code App->>Code Sequencer: Signed PaymentIntent
    Code Sequencer->>Code Sequencer: Verify and Schedule Transactions
    Code Sequencer->>-Code App: Return confirmation
    Code App->>Client: Open new browser tab with success URL


The default browser could be different than the one they came from. Additionally, the user will definitely be redirected to a new tab. This is a limitation of Android and iOS. There is no garantuee that the user will go back to the tab they came from and therefore the on("success", ...) event may not be triggered.

See Confirmation URLs to learn more.


You can find a full example here.